On the 19th of April, Dag Henrichsen (Namibian historian and archivist at the Basler Afrika Bibliographien) came up with an exciting query - he asked if I could take some photographs and videos of Tuli Mekondjo' (the Namibian Artist currently in residence in Berlin) Performance "Ousie Martha" that took place at BAB on the 21st of April 2023.
Of course, my answer was YES. This experience turned out to be the first time when equipped with professional equipment - I was trying to blend in (unsuccessfully, as you can see in the image below where I'm on the ground; note for myself: choosing black clothes is not entirely enough for blending in) and take the best photos I could of Tuli's mesmerizing performance.
Photos will follow shortly. Currently, I am in the editing process.
*One of the photos was featured in The Namibian newspaper on the 10th of May to support the interview offered by Tuli Mekondjo, where she beautifully explained the reasoning and her deep emotions behind the live performance. Please check the link, and support a great Namibian Artist by checking out her work and buying her art.